If you’re concerned about an incident that made you feel unsafe in your body, you have rights. Call our help line to learn about how SAFE can help connect to resources including support groups, legal and medical advocacy, and more.

You have options as a survivor of sexual violence. As an adult you may choose to:


Report your assault to the police.

This can include a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam if the assault was within the last 84 hours, as well as a police interview. You have the right to have an advocate present at as much or as little of the exam and interview as you wish.


Report anonymously.

This includes a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam taken under an anonymous name. Afterward, you have 6 months to decide if you would like to press charges. This is a good option for survivors who are not sure if they want to report their assault, but want to preserve evidence in case they decide to report later.


Not report.

If you decide not to report you are still entitled to advocacy. You may consider going to a local clinic or emergency room for a physical exam and/or STD panel.

Call our 24-hour help line to find out more about your options as a survivor, and/or to request an advocate accompany you to a hospital or clinic.

SAFE believes that sexual violence occurs on a continuum. While most people think of sexual violence only as rape, SAFE believes that sexual harassment, both online and in person, as well as cat calling, flashing, molestation, and attempted sexual assault are all forms of sexual violence. Just as with domestic violence, no survivor of sexual violence deserves or asks to be abused.


Learn More

To learn more about sexual violence, try these resources:

sarcoregon.org – Sexual Assault specific services in Washington County
victimsofcrime.org – information for teens
www.hrc.org – Information for the LGBTQ community

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